Advanced topics


Validation can be defined for each fields using the required and validation keys.

The required key only specify if the field is required and not null in the values inserted by the form user, while the validation key defines some rules about the inserted value:

The validation object

minLengthnumberMinimum length, for string fields
maxLengthnumberMaximum length, for string fields
minnumberMinimum value, for numeric fields
maxnumberMinimum value, for numeric fields
messagestring / i18nThe message to display if validation fails
patternstringA regular expression used to validate a string value, omit the /s (i.e., use [a-z0-9] and not /[a-z0-9]/
validatestringJavaScript code for validation

For example

  "version": "1",
  "fields": [
      "name": "my_field",
      "label": "My field",
      "component": "input-text",
      "required" true,
      "validation": {
        "minLength": 5,
        "maxLength": 10,
        "message": "There's something wrong with this value"

I18N support

I18N is supported in the validation message key

  "version": "1",
  "fields": [
      "name": "my_field",
      "label": "My field",
      "component": "input-text",
      "required" true,
      "validation": {
        "minLength": 5,
        "maxLength": 10,
        "message": {
          "en-US": "There's something wrong with this value",
          "it-IT": "C'e' qualcosa che non va in questo valore"

Custom JavasScript validator

More complex validation can be implemented with some simple JavaScript using the validate keys

  "version": "1",
  "fields": [
      "name": "my_field",
      "label": "My field",
      "component": "input-text",
      "required" true,
      "validation": {
        "message": "There's something wrong with this value",
        "validate": "if (value.length < 10) { return false; }"

In this simple example it just checks for the string to be at least 10 chars.

In the JavaScript code, these variables are available:

  • value is the value inserted by the user for the specific field
  • formValues is a hash with all current values of the form

The JavaScript code should return

  • true or null or undefined or nothing if the value is to be considered invalid
  • false if the value is invalid, in that case will be shown the error message defined in message or the default one
  • string or a i18n object if the value is not valid and a customi error should be shown

For example, in order to return a custom localized error message

  "version": "1",
  "fields": [
      "name": "my_field",
      "label": "My field",
      "component": "input-text",
      "required" true,
      "validation": {
        "message": "There's something wrong with this value",
        "validate": `if (value.length < 10) {
          return {
            'en-US': 'There\'s something wrong with this value',
            'it-IT': 'C\'e\' qualcosa che non va in questo valore'