LetsForm Designer
Export your form

Export your form

When the design of the form is complete, it's time to use it in a real environment, in the "Export" shows all the export options for your form.

All packahe dependencies are listed here, some UI libraries are splitted in multiple packages (i.e. Date components in Mantine requires additional packages and dependencies)

LetsFormDesigner: Export form

  • Export to React code: Show vanilla (but working) React code for the form, this is important to understand the packages needed to run the code (i.e. external libraries, locales) and code requirements (i.e. some UI libraries requires a <Provider> in order to run)

  • Export to JSON and Copy to Clipboard: this exports the bare LetsForm JSON form schema, the only thing needed to run it. When design of the form is done, LetsForm Designere is not needed anymore

  • Export to CRA: create a zip file with a working Create React App package with the current form. It's useful to understand how to use the form in a generic application created with Create React App. Download the package and unzip it, then run npm i and npm run dev.

  • Export to Vite: create a zip file with a working Vite package with the current form. It's useful to understand how to use the form in a generic application created with Vite. Download the package and unzip it, then run npm i and npm run dev.

  • Export to HTML: create a zip file of a pure-html file running the current form. It uses import maps and modules, it doesn't need any backend or transpilation to work and works only on modern browser. Download the package, unzip it and run serve -p 3001, then point the browser to http://localhost:3001