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The Array array component is an array field which contains one ore more field, it returns an array of objects.


{ "component": "array", "label": "My list", "name": "my_list", "layout": "vertical", "fields": [ { "component": "columns", "name": "my_columns", "columns": [ { "name": "one", "size": 1 }, { "name": "two", "size": 1 } ], "fields": { "one": [ { "component": "input-text", "label": "First name", "name": "first_name", "fullWidth": true } ], "two": [ { "component": "input-text", "label": "Last name", "name": "last_name", "fullWidth": true } ] } } ] }

the returned value in the form payload will be something like

[ { "first_name": "some name", "last_name": "some last name"}, { "first_name": "another name", "last_name": "another last name"} ]

LetsForm DSL

The above example can also be defined with LetsForm DSL

<LfArray label="My list" name="my_list" layout="vertical" alignOffset={24} > <LfColumns name="my_two_columns" layout="layout-1-1" > <LfColumn> <LfField component="input-text" label="First name" name="first_name" fullWidth={true} /> </LfColumn> <LfColumn> <LfField component="input-text" label="Last name" name="last_name" fullWidth={true} /> </LfColumn> </LfColumns> </LfArray>


= "array"
namestringThe name of the field and the key of the JSON
labelstring | i18nLabel of the field
hintstring | i18nHelp text for the field (generally shown below the input box)
disabledbooleanDisables and greys out the field
readOnlybooleanPut the field in read only mode
hiddenbooleanHides the field from the form
alignstringVertical alignment of add / remove buttons. Values: "top", "center", "bottom".
alignOffsetnumberOffset of the add / remove button from the top / bottom (depends on the alignment)
arrayTypestringDefines the result of the list component, "arrayOfString" and "commaSeparated" only applies if list field has only one field. Values: "arrayOfObject", "arrayOfString", "commaSeparated".
classNamestringCSS class name to assign to the field container
fields[field]Array of fields, it's the fields definition for each element of the aray
React Suite