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The Columns columns is a layout field, it can be used to create a better fields layout and can contain one or more fields or layout components like Group, Array, Tabs or Steps.

Fields are defined in fields key like below


{ "component": "columns", "name": "field_1", "columns": [ { "name": "one", "size": 1 }, { "name": "two", "size": 1 } ], "fields": { "one": [ { "component": "input-text", "label": "Field 1", "name": "field_1", "react-rsuite5": { "fullWidth": true } } ], "two": [ { "component": "rate", "label": "Field 2", "name": "field_2", "count": 5, "fractions": 1, "react-rsuite5": { "max": 5 } } ] } }

LetsForm DSL

The above example can also be defined with LetsForm DSL

<LfColumns name="field_column" > <LfColumn> <LfField component="input-text" label="Field 1" name="field_1" fullWidth={true} /> </LfColumn> <LfColumn> <LfField component="rate" label="Field 2" name="field_2" count={5} fractions={1} max={5} /> </LfColumn> </LfColumns>


= "columns"
namestringThe name of the field and the key of the JSON
columns[column]Array of objects that defines the columns.
hiddenbooleanHides the layout component and all components inside it
classNamestringCSS class name to assign to the field container
fieldsObjectObject, each keys (name of column) is an array of fields for the column

Properties for column object

namestringName or id of the column, the same name must be present as a key in the fields property
alignmentstringVertical alignment of the fields of the column. Values: "auto", "baseline", "center", "end", "flex-end", "flex-start", "inherit", "initial", "normal", "revert", "self-end", "self-start", "start", "stretch", "unset".
sizenumberFlex-like size of the column (a column with size 2 will occupy twice the space of a column with size 1)
hiddenbooleanHide the column. Default: false
React Suite