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ComponentsInput Mask

Input Mask

The Input Mask input-mask field is input text field with placeholders for formatted strings.


{ "component": "input-mask", "label": "My formatted input", "name": "my_text", "hint": "Enter your phone number", "mask": "+(${d}${d}${d}) - ${d}${d}${d}${d}${d}${d}", "showMask": true }


= "input-mask"
namestringThe name of the field and the key of the JSON
labelstring | i18nLabel of the field
hintstring | i18nHelp text for the field (generally shown below the input box)
placeholderstring | i18nPlaceholder text, visibile when the field is empty
disabledbooleanDisables and greys out the field
readOnlybooleanPut the field in read only mode
hiddenbooleanHides the field from the form
classNamestringCSS class name to assign to the field container
Pick up a framework to show specific properties
React Suite