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ComponentsTwo Columns

Two Columns


The two-columns component is deprecated, use the new columns component. Form schemas using two-columns will be converted automatically to use the new component.

The Two Columns two-columns is a layout field, it can be used to create a better fields layout and can contain one or more fields or layout components like Group, Array, Tabs or Steps. Fields are defined in leftFields and rightFields keys


{ "component": "two-columns", "label": "Field 1", "name": "field_1", "leftFields": [ { "component": "input-text", "label": "Field 1", "name": "field_1", "react-rsuite5": { "fullWidth": true } } ], "rightFields": [ { "component": "rate", "label": "Field 2", "name": "field_2", "count": 5, "fractions": 1, "react-rsuite5": { "max": 5 } } ] }

LetsForm DSL

The above example can also be defined with LetsForm DSL

<LfColumns name="field_column" > <LfColumn> <LfField component="input-text" label="Field 1" name="field_1" fullWidth={true} /> </LfColumn> <LfColumn> <LfField component="rate" label="Field 2" name="field_2" count={5} fractions={1} max={5} /> </LfColumn> </LfColumns>


= "two-columns"
namestringThe name of the field and the key of the JSON
layoutstringValues: "layout-1-1", "layout-1-2", "layout-1-3", "layout-1-4", "layout-2-1", "layout-3-1", "layout-4-1", "layout-2-3", "layout-3-2", "layout-0-1", "layout-1-0".
leftAlignmentstringFlex "align-self" attribute for the column. Values: "auto", "baseline", "center", "end", "flex-end", "flex-start", "inherit", "initial", "normal", "revert", "self-end", "self-start", "start", "stretch", "unset".
rightAlignmentstringFlex "align-self" attribute for the column. Values: "auto", "baseline", "center", "end", "flex-end", "flex-start", "inherit", "initial", "normal", "revert", "self-end", "self-start", "start", "stretch", "unset".
hiddenbooleanHides the layout component and all components inside it
classNamestringCSS class name to assign to the field container
React Suite